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Exploring AI-Powered Martech: Impact on Customer Experiences

The rapid adoption of generative AI is fuelling the excitement for martech professionals. AI-powered enhancements to the core uses of marketing automation platforms are being introduced by market leaders such as Salesforce and HubSpot, and will have a substantial impact on customer experiences and satisfaction. AI will be applied to the three main uses of marketing automation: data quality, campaigns and lead management, and workflows and integrations. It is important for martech leaders to invest in discovering how to incorporate AI into their businesses. AI-powered best practices will drive value in 2023 and beyond. To learn more, follow the series on AI infusion into marketing automation platforms, with part 2 focusing on data quality, and check out the presentation ‘New School, Old School: Navigating the Current Marketing Automation Landscape’ at the MarTech Conference.

Originally reported by Martech:
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