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"Four Essential "Buckets" of B2B Social Media Performance"

Never has the expression, “Don’t confuse activity for performance,” rung truer than in B2B social media programs. Companies need to invest in agencies and in-house resources to create more sophisticated and produced content intended to engage audiences and drive business goals. Best-in-class (BIC) companies focus their efforts into four essential “buckets” – product/solution, recruiting/HR, brand and community. LinkedIn is the 800-pound gorilla, and Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok are also important channels for B2B. BIC companies are also using short, highly produced and stylized videos, podcasts and other content to reach their followers. Legacy platforms, like Facebook, have a vast graveyard of abandoned groups and pages, leaving a door open for opportunists. Companies should clean up any lingering content in the public domain, and create a content schedule for a month or two in advance, mapping out where content will come from within the organization. This will help companies discover what works best for their business and increase the performance of their social media programs.

Originally reported by Martech:
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