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Trust the Tools, Verify the Results: AI and Marketing Automation

In the face of rapid advancements in marketing technology, it is easy to allow the technology to take over the driving seat. However, it is essential to use such technology with caution. While automation can bring efficiency and scalability to marketing tasks, it is important to remember to trust the tools but verify the results, using the most important computer in marketing today - the one between your ears. Automation platforms can revolutionize the way we market and can be used to serve our clients better, but it is important to take the time to plan and execute based on our understanding of our marketing goals and our user’s needs. AI is also used in automated bidding for paid campaigns, but we must always remember that the machines don’t always know what our audience needs. It is essential to take a more holistic approach, developing buyer personas, engaging in SEO and understanding how our audience uses social media. In order to make the most out of AI and marketing automation platforms, it is important to think through the ads, develop realistic user journeys and compare the data from these tools with the data in our head and the heads of our team members. AI is a great idea generator, and it can be used to develop an outline for posts and personalize messaging or offers. However, it is important not to be creepy and to make sure to deliver content that feels human and that will motivate our audience to act. The key takeaway here is to embrace authenticity, practice empathy and prioritize genuine human connection. As marketers, it is important to take the time to check our efforts against our buyer personas and make sure that our content is on brand and is not borrowed from someone without permission. We should also ask ourselves if our content will make our audience feel seen and if it will motivate them to act. In the end, our AI honesty checklist should serve as a shorthand for our marketing reviews.

Originally reported by Martech:
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