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Oracle Terminates AddThis: Reminder to Maximize Efficiency

Oracle has removed social sharing and insights tool AddThis from its marketing cloud services. Customers who used AddThis widgets on their sites, enabling visitors to share content on social platforms, have seen the tools disappear with little warning. A company notice provided by Oracle said that it had planned to terminate all AddThis services, effective May 31.

Oracle acquired AddThis in 2016. It was a popular tool for upwards of 15 million publishers, allowing web visitors to easily share content on social, with analytics to publishers via dashboard and weekly reports.

In their notice, Oracle provided the following steps for AddThis users: Cease the use of AddThis services and remove all related code and technology from their websites; AddThis buttons may disappear from the user’s websites; the AddThis dashboard associated with the user’s registration for AddThis and all support for AddThis services will no longer be available; all features of AddThis configured to interoperate with user’s websites, any other Oracle services, or any third-party tools and plug-ins will no longer function.

The removal of AddThis from Oracle’s cloud services is a reminder of why marketers need a unified platform, rather than relying on standalone tools. All too often, marketers are using multiple tools and plug-ins which can be hard to manage and can create unnecessary complexity. It’s important for marketers to take stock and assess their existing stack to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness. To help, MarTech has created the 2023 MarTech Replacement Survey.

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Originally reported by Martech:
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