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AI-Powered Martech Solutions Revolutionise the Industry

This week saw a number of exciting announcements from the world of AI-powered martech, with OpenAI's release of GPT-4 Turbo and a range of other AI-based tools from Optimove,, SproutLoud, Clickatell, TechSmith, Rhetorik, Inuvo and OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo will have access to information up to April 2023, support prompts of up to 128,000 tokens and be better at understanding and following complex instructions. Optimove's OptiGenie is an AI-powered suite that optimizes marketing workflows from insight to creation and through orchestration, while's Apollo 3.0 is an all-in-one platform offering AI-powered assistance across the entire deal funnel. SproutLoud is adding AI-powered capabilities, including generative AI, to its product, while Clickatell is adding conversational AI to its Chat Commerce Platform. TechSmith added generative AI scripting and voiceover features to Audiate and Rhetorik's LeadNeuron is a unique skills-based targeting solution. Inuvo's IntentKey Insights dashboard generates insights into campaign effectiveness and's AI Meta Tag Creator lets users generate tailored title tags and meta descriptions. These AI-powered martech solutions are set to revolutionise the industry, making workflows simpler and more efficient, allowing businesses to better understand their customers and optimise their campaigns.

Originally reported by Martech:
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