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Agile Marketing Techniques for Busy Marketers: Focusing on Finishing Faster

Many marketers today face the challenge of being too busy yet not delivering customer value. To combat this, there are a few agile marketing techniques that can help busy marketers quickly and efficiently finish work. These include having trade-off conversations with stakeholders, measuring your workflow, and setting work-in-progress (WIP) limits. Having trade-off conversations with stakeholders is a great way to get control over the continual starting of new work. This involves asking stakeholders which tasks are their priority and allowing them to make tough choices. Measuring your workflow is also important. Here, you should look at how long each task takes to do from start to finish, and then discuss ways to make it leaner. Finally, setting WIP limits helps to focus on finishing what’s in progress before moving on to new work. By implementing these agile marketing techniques, your team can stop starting and start finishing. This will help to improve productivity, increase customer value, and help you to focus on fewer initiatives that can be produced rapidly.

Originally reported by Martech:
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