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"The Struggle is Real: Kicking and Screaming Towards GA4 Deadline"

Our recent poll shows that more people are still learning how to use Google Analytics 4 (GA4) than say it’s all set up and being used. The comments we received have been highly revealing, with most people expressing dissatisfaction with the User Interface (UI), reports, learning curve and lack of annotation. The positive comments highlighted GA4’s sleek new interface, new metrics such as average engagement time per second and engaged sessions, and how it enables SEOs to use their brains to analyse the data. The mixed comments highlighted the frustrating changes to how reports can be done, the lack of simple and basic reports, the loss of time on site conversion tracking and the change in KPIs. Furthermore, the enhanced flexibility of GA4 was praised but it was noted that this makes it much more difficult to navigate. The negative comments focused on the fact that GA4 is not an analytics tool, but a poor reporting tool with none of the interesting features Universal Analytics had. It was also mentioned that the UI is terrible, often requiring one to rebuild reports instead of saving them, and that it’s extremely difficult to isolate traffic volume by individual channel and compare channels year-on-year. Overall, it seems that many people are approaching the July 1st deadline for switching to GA4 “kicking and screaming”. For more information about this, stay tuned.

Originally reported by Martech:
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