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"Maximizing Digital Asset Management: Metadata, SEO & ChatGPT"

As AI technology progresses, its ability to take on tedious tasks has created a hype surrounding its use in content creation and customer experience. However, the librarians among us know that the most successful digital asset management strategies involve the use of complex metadata libraries.

Register for Acquia's webinar, 'Metadata, SEO, and ChatGPT: What’s DAM Got To Do With It?', and learn what content creators, managers, and users need to know to ensure you can find, use, and control your content to its full potential. This webinar will delve into the details of metadata, search engine optimisation (SEO), and ChatGPT - and how they can help you get the most out of your digital asset management.

For more MarTech webinars, click here.

Originally reported by Martech:
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