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15 Low-Cost Alternatives to Google Analytics 4 for Businesses

With Google Analytics 4 (GA4) receiving mixed reviews, it may be time to consider using a different program. For startups and small companies, a list of 15 low-cost alternatives is available. This article looks at digital analytics systems with enterprise-level capabilities. Alphabetically, the list includes: Adobe Analytics, Amplitude, AT Internet, Clicky, Countly, Fathom Analytics, Heap, Kissmetrics, Mixpanel, Piwik PRO, Semrush, Snowplow Analytics and Webtrends. All of these systems offer various features such as real-time traffic analytics, heatmap tracking, ad hoc analysis, and automated insights. Pricing varies depending on the system, with custom enterprise pricing available in some cases.

For technology-savvy business professionals seeking an alternative to Google Analytics 4, the list of digital analytics systems above offers a variety of features and pricing options. Each platform has its own unique capabilities, so it is important to research each one and consider which best suits your business's needs.

Originally reported by Martech:
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