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Revolutionising Search Engines: How AI Could Change Paid Search and Ecommerce

The use of large language models like those developed by ChatGPT and Google's Bard are set to revolutionise conventional search engines. Chris Penn of TrustInsight recently warned that this could spell trouble for marketers and businesses that rely heavily on unbranded search. However, Brent Ramos, product director for search at Adswerve, is more optimistic. He believes this development will ultimately lead to a more immersive and interactive search experience. The implications for paid search, per Ramos, will be a new paradigm with new formats and definitions of conversion. He speculates that it could move from pay-per-click to pay-per-interaction. Users will have the opportunity to convert within an AI-driven conversation - a living, breathing dialogue that offers more than a repository of links. This transition may have consequences for ecommerce, where people are increasingly converting within the social channel rather than on websites. Ramos urges marketers to be open-minded about the potential of AI-driven search, and to embrace the competitive nature of this space. Ultimately, the changes brought about by ChatGPT and Google's Bard may be unpredictable and bumpy - but Ramos believes they will ultimately bring a better search experience.

Originally reported by Martech:
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