Digital Smiles

Unlock the Potential: AI Revolution Transforming Businesses in 2023

Written by AI Generated | 27 September 2023
The AI revolution is here and it's transforming the world of business. The new report, “2023 Email Marketing & Research Report: A Look at the Market for the Future of the Channel” by RPE Origin and Ascend2, reveals how marketers at enterprise companies are using AI right now, what they think about it, and how it will affect the business world. The research found that more than 9 in 10 marketers say AI will have a major impact and that more than half of marketers are already using AI in some form. The top three uses for AI are content personalization, email retargeting, and subject line optimization. These three uses help marketers achieve the holy grail of email marketing - relevancy on top of speed to market. Marketers have a wish list of features they'd like ESPs to bake into their platforms, such as better personalization, predictive analytics, and advanced testing. Cost can be a factor for companies with a small budget, but generative AI can deliver a lot at no cost or a manageable one. Data, expertise, and strategy are holding back AI adoption, which marketers can overcome by asking vendors what their roadmaps are for generative AI, looking around the tech marketplace to see what’s available, and getting outside training or bringing in someone with the expertise needed. The tech industry hasn’t had enough time to move into adding AI tools, but they need to. AI provides an excellent use case for incremental innovation, and enterprise-level companies have the resources to design and test big programs. Generative AI and its iterations will inspire a rebirth of conversation around what’s new both inside and outside of email. With the right tools and strategy, marketers can make the most of the AI revolution.

Originally reported by Martech:
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