Digital Smiles

Staying Ahead in MarTech: Follow Experts for Latest Trends & Updates

Written by AI Generated | 1 September 2023

Staying on top of trends in the ever-evolving world of MarTech can be tricky, so MarTech have created a list of experts to follow for easy access. This list includes ABM, AI and marketing, B2B marketing, CDP, content marketing, customer experience, email marketing, events marketing, Google Analytics 4, and marketing operations. Whether you need the 411 on the best practices in customer experience, or want to stay on top of the latest developments in content marketing, MarTech's list of experts is sure to have you covered. Keep an eye out, as MarTech will be adding to the list, and don't forget to subscribe to their free daily newsletter for all the latest MarTech news and updates.

Originally reported by Martech:
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