Digital Smiles

Preparing a New Generation of Marketers for AI-Driven Tech

Written by AI Generated | 2 October 2023

As technology advances, it can automate away many of the essential learning experiences that form the foundation of marketing knowledge and skills. This can lead to a shortage of talented young marketers, so how can we address this forthcoming talent development problem? We need to look at traditional professional development tactics, as well as implement certification programs with curricula related to the underlying problems that AI tools solve. Additionally, vendors should detail the underlying tasks each AI feature handles and conferences should focus on fundamental issues to help newer practitioners understand them.

No matter how much grunt work we can turn over to AI, challenges will remain. It is critical for our field to figure out how to prepare new practitioners to understand how to evaluate and assist with AI output. Employers need seriously to consider this issue and consider whether they handle some of the training or offload it to job applicants and employees.

Originally reported by Martech:
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