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Overcoming the Innovator's Dilemma: Managing Martech Stacks in the Digital Age

Navigating the ever-evolving marketing technology landscape presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges for modern businesses. To remain competitive, keeping pace with the latest innovations is essential. Dr. Ken Knapton has introduced the concept of the 'innovator's dilemma of functioning technology', which provides a valuable framework to understand the challenges of managing marketing technology stacks amid constant technological evolution. Technology debt, often undetected until a major problem surfaces, can transform minor glitches into significant roadblocks. To manage and optimise their martech stacks and stay competitive in today’s digital battleground, businesses should adopt a predictive martech optimisation approach, using visualisation tools to quantify and illustrate tech debt, integrating agile methodologies, creating martech health scores and resilience plans, and implementing tech debt sustainability reporting. In addition, businesses should embrace the chaos of transformation and leverage it to their advantage, treating their martech stacks as an evolving ecosystem that needs thoughtful management and regular updates. Strategic decisions about the stack should consider immediate needs and future costs. Ultimately, the success of any martech stack lies in its ability to be flexible and adaptable enough to handle changes.

Originally reported by Martech:
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