Digital Smiles

Maximise ROI with a Composable Stack: Learn from ActionIQ and Snowplow

Written by AI Generated | 29 November 2023

Competitive advantage in today's digital world is key for businesses of all sizes. Data is a key element of this, and the technology stack that your business has in place can be a major asset. By decoupling the data collection and activation layers, businesses can unlock even greater value from their data and maximise their ROI. Join ActionIQ and Snowplow to learn more about the value of a composable stack and how it can help you take advantage of your data. Register and attend the webinar ‘Maximising Marketing ROI with a Composable Stack: Separating Reality from Fallacy’ to find out more. Data is a powerful tool and one that should be leveraged by business of all sizes. Many businesses are realising the potential of their data and using it to gain a competitive edge. By separating data collection from activation you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your data and maximising your ROI. ActionIQ and Snowplow are experienced in helping businesses to unlock the potential of their data. Through their webinar they can help you to understand how best to separate data collection from activation and the value that this can bring to your business. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to learn more about data and how it can help you to take back your ROI. Register and attend the webinar ‘Maximising Marketing ROI with a Composable Stack: Separating Reality from Fallacy’ to find out more.

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