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HubSpot October 2023 Features: Manage Team & Business Efficiently

HubSpot has released new features and tools for October 2023 that are relevant to managers, such as the ability to associate records of the same object type, track campaigns with external webpages, use AI for blog post ideas and subject lines, and more. Mobile app improvements include the ability to initiate calls from inside the app, enroll contacts in sequences, edit marketing emails, view calendars, and upload/download files. Additionally, Instagram first comment scheduling, collaboration sidebar in the social media tool, notifications for workflow issues, dashboard filters for reports, list descriptions, custom properties, and commenting are available.

Other features include company information on payment links, inbound calling as a channel in the conversations inbox, customer feedback submissions tagging, tracking team member usage of HubSpot, and new options for contacts to download or delete their data. Managers can also resolve an email sending probation with the improved process. With all these features, managers can make sure their team and business are running efficiently.

Originally reported by Martech:
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