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Exploring the Latest AI-Powered MarTech Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of marketing technology. This week has seen a flurry of new AI-powered martech products, platforms and features announced, from DealTale IQ's generative AI for performance metrics to Chatmeter's Pulse sentiment analysis tool and Contentful's Scale AI content generator. These products are designed to make it easier for businesses to understand customer sentiment, create content and make data-driven decisions. Other AI-powered solutions include Roku's contextual search, Fooji's Safesail brand safety solution, Acceleration Partners' APVision platform, Metric Insights' BI Concierge, StructuredWeb's ChannelGPT, YouScan's Insights Copilot, and InnerAction Media's StoryMaker. AI is changing the way businesses interact with customers, monitor conversations and create content, helping them to make the most of their marketing efforts.

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