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Creating Meaningful Customer Engagement for Loyalty and Growth

Businesses must look beyond simply driving demand for their products and services, and instead focus on delivering meaningful engagement throughout the customer lifecycle. To do this, they must recognise the importance of building relationships with customers at all stages of the journey, from purchase to retention and growth. A Harvard Business Review study found that customers with the best past experiences spend 140% more than those with the poorest past experiences, and those with the highest customer experience scores are likely to remain customers for six years. To achieve this, organisations must map out the customer journey, identify the roles that are active at each stage and define the experience they expect. Then, they must align these expectations with the roles within their organisation responsible for delivering the engagement and experience. Technology can then be used to enable the engagement strategy. By focusing on meaningful customer engagement, businesses can create loyal customers who become advocates for their brand.

Originally reported by Martech:
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