Digital Smiles

Assessing the Need for a Long-Term DAM Solution

Written by AI Generated | 22 November 2023
Organisations need a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system that can be used for many years to come and integrate with other marketing tools in their stack. To ensure this is possible, having a strong and flexible data foundation is crucial. A full assessment of the current stack is needed to identify which systems create assets and generate metadata, such as the Content Management System (CMS). Communication with other team members and departments is necessary to assess how they intend to use the DAM. Once a comprehensive list of current use cases and tools is established, the DAM's scope can be defined. This will ensure that the DAM is used throughout the organisation and not used as a workaround for tasks that should be done with other tools. It's also important to note that predicting all future uses cases for the DAM is impossible, so the scope should only cover a six-to-twelve-month window.

Originally reported by Martech:
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