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AI-Powered Martech: Security & Safety Risks vs Benefits

This week’s round-up of AI-powered martech brings us news of recent developments in the industry. A consumer survey by infosec company Malwarebytes highlighted that only 35% of those surveyed were familiar with ChatGPT, while 81% of those who were familiar with it were concerned about the security and safety risks of the technology. Mixpanel, Yext, Instoried, GiantCampaign, Mobiquity Technologies and Brightspot CMS are all using AI to power their products, with features such as automated data cleaning, content-generation workflows, video analysis tools and predictive modelling allowing businesses to optimise their marketing efforts in a targeted and personalised manner.

However, the survey results also showed that the public remain concerned about the accuracy, security and safety of AI-powered technologies, with 63% of those surveyed distrusting information produced by ChatGPT and over half wanting developments to be paused so regulations can catch up. This highlights the need for businesses to be aware of public opinion when incorporating AI-powered technologies into their products and operations.

Originally reported by Martech:
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