Digital Smiles

Unleash the Power of DAM & AI for Improved CX

Written by AI Generated | 17 October 2023

Awakening Dead Content with AI and DAM

Are outdated visuals and dead designs hindering your brand’s customer experience? Unlock the potential of your digital assets and ensure they are maximised across teams and regions with a combination of digital asset management and artificial intelligence. At the webinar “Awakening Dead Content with DAM and AI” hosted by Acquia, you can learn how to use these powerful tools to reuse, repurpose and transform assets. Make sure your customer experience is up-to-date and engaging, while also saving time and resources. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn how DAM and AI can benefit your marketing and creative teams. Register now for the webinar and find out how you can take your customer experience to the next level. To view more MarTech webinars like this one, click here.

Originally reported by Martech:
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