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"Unlock the Power of Email Marketing with Advanced Platforms"

Email remains one of the most established forms of online marketing, delivering consistent and impressive results. For every dollar marketers spend, they generate $36 in revenue, and businesses in retail, ecommerce and consumer goods are rewarded with $45 in revenue for each dollar spent. However, technology and data pressures have changed the game, making it harder for marketers to collect data about individual users and creating the need for updated technology. Enterprise email marketing platforms provide features for email creation and sending, data unification across channels, more unified technology stacks, ability to identify more profitable audiences and segmentation strategies, more efficient workflows, more personal and efficient communication with customers, improved deliverability and design of email messages, access to more advanced templating and interactivity, and better ability to measure return on investment (ROI). The latest technology platforms offer more full-featured customer data platform functionality, artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities leveraged through different parts of the platform, and third-party integrations. With the right platform, businesses can develop a single source of truth across their organization, improve customer communications, and optimize content and targeting to achieve the best possible results. To learn more about email marketing platforms, download MarTech’s Email Marketing Intelligence Report.

Originally reported by Martech:
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