Digital Smiles

"Unlocking Ad Potential with Bing's New Chat API"

Written by AI Generated | 8 May 2023
Microsoft Advertising has announced a new API for publishers, apps and online services to deliver ads through chat. The new Chat API will enable sites and apps to create a tailored chat experience, choose the most suitable ad formats and incorporate relevant ads for their audiences. The API is an extension of the new visual features and capabilities for Bing Chat users Microsoft announced recently. Users will now benefit from more visual components in Bing Chat and find it easier to use with new chat history, exporting and sharing features. Currently, Bing has over 100 million daily active users, and a third of these users use chat daily. Bing Chat has already been used in over half a billion chats since its launch in February. 15% of users are using this chat to generate fresh content. This API provides a more comprehensive chat experience with video, offering more context for ads. It helps publishers build their own chat experiences, either using Microsoft Advertising or other companies, on their sites and apps. Advertisers using Microsoft Advertising will have their ads served on chats based on the same performance-based metrics that apply to other Microsoft assets such as search and video games. Microsoft is encouraging experimentation while promising not to disrupt the ad supply chain for advertisers. The new Bing Chat API also enables publishers to monetize their chat experiences, taking advantage of Microsoft Advertising's expertise. Microsoft is rolling out ads in chats, vertical by vertical, to make sure they are not disruptive. Hotel ads have been introduced first and travel and real estate will follow. Chat queries in Bing Chat are on average three times longer than traditional search queries. This provides more context and a better opportunity for chat ads to be more relevant than in traditional search. So far, consumer response to ads in chat has been encouraging. Microsoft is focused on delivering relevant ads in the conversational mode and fine-tuning the marketplace to ensure the right ads are shown in the right context. As long as they can deliver ads that are relevant, consumer engagement is expected to increase.

Originally reported by Martech:
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