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"Generative AI & Persuasion Principles: Leveraging ChatGPT for Email Marketing"

Using generative AI and persuasion principles in email marketing can help businesses launch campaigns faster and test more effectively. In this article, we look at the results of an A/B test using ChatGPT, a language bot, to generate copy for a summer dress sale. The prompt we created was intended to promote the sale and incorporate 10 different persuasion principles and cognitive biases. The results, although not ready for prime time, were serviceable and showed promise. We discuss the process of setting up a test, how to write a detailed prompt, running the test, declaring a winner, recording the results and sharing what you learned. We also offer some key takeaways on persuasion, ChatGPT, email and testing. With the right prompt and the right bot, you can start reaping the rewards of GenAI and persuasion in email marketing.

Originally reported by Martech:
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