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2024: The End of the Third-Party Cookie - What Now?

In 2020, Google announced the end of support for the third-party cookie in Chrome by the end of 2024. This has caused a stir in the technology world and many businesses are asking what it will mean for them and their digital strategies. To help answer this question, Acquia are holding a special webinar - "2024: The End of the Third-Party Cookie. So, What Now?"

The webinar will explore what the end of the third-party cookie will mean for businesses, and what they can do to prepare for the change. It will also discuss other potential solutions to replace the cookie, and how businesses can use them to maintain a successful marketing strategy.

The webinar will be hosted by Acquia's experts in technology and digital marketing, who will be able to provide an in-depth understanding of the issue. It's the perfect opportunity to get an understanding of the potential impact of this change, and to evaluate the options for continuing to market effectively in a post-cookie world.

Don't miss this chance to get ahead of the game and make sure you're ready for the end of the third-party cookie. Register now and attend "2024: The End of the Third-Party Cookie. So, What Now?" presented by Acquia.

For more MarTech webinars, click here.

Originally reported by Martech:
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