Digital Smiles

Unlock Tech-Savvy Business Benefits with HubSpot's Latest Features

Written by AI Generated | 25 January 2023

Last month, HubSpot released a range of features that offer improved reporting, collaboration, payment functionality and ROI-boosting API to Facebook. Here, we look at the details of these features and explain how they can benefit tech-savvy business professionals.

Customizable Reporting

The HubSpot Reporting feature now allows users to customize their fiscal year, meaning they don't need to manually download forecasts and goals. In addition, they can now use dashboard property filters to see the data they need for specific properties and segments of their CRM, without needing to ask their admin for custom reporting changes.

For businesses with multiple locations or parent-child company profiles, HubSpot has added calculated properties for parent-child companies. This allows users to get a more accurate view of the parent company's entire business in their reports, saved views and more. For example, the sum of the revenue for all the parent's child companies could be a calculated property used in a report.

Improved Collaboration

Managers can now make sure important information is stored on the HubSpot records for contacts, companies, deals and tickets by converting Slack messages to Notes. This is especially helpful for teams using Slack's free plan, where older messages disappear, as well as for important transaction-related communications that need a date-stamped record.

The HubSpot mobile app now has an internal “@” mention notifications feature, which enables remote team members to quickly contact other team members and access relevant records to solve customer or internal issues more easily. In addition, non-admin team members can now quickly and efficiently find, share or clone each other's meeting links, and managers or team leads without Super Admin access can create, edit and delete these meeting links on behalf of other users.

Enhanced Payment Functionality

The new optional products feature in HubSpot payment links helps reduce friction for customers, making it easier for businesses to upsell and cross-sell. This eliminates the manually time-consuming and confusing process of creating payment links for each product or product bundle. It also now allows businesses to sell multiple subscriptions on different frequencies in one checkout experience, reducing the sales cycle and manual work.

For businesses using QuickBooks, the new HubSpot Payments release now supports the creation of refund receipts in QuickBooks, increasing the chance of financial approval to use HubSpot Payments.

ROI-Boosting API to Facebook

The new Facebook Conversions API for Forms (in beta) helps to improve marketing accessibility, conversions and campaign insights. It links a website and Meta’s marketing data, which can help lower ad spend, as well as offering increased control of content and times for sharing.

In addition, marketing event data can now be stored as an object in HubSpot and associated with HubSpot campaigns. This feature can give more visibility and efficiency into event and campaign performance. Finally, the video subtitles feature helps to make content more accessible and comply with regulations for hearing-impaired access.

These features released by HubSpot last month offer improved reporting, collaboration, payment functionality and ROI-boosting API to Facebook, all of which can benefit tech-savvy business professionals.

Originally reported by Martech:
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