Digital Smiles

Harnessing the Power of Diversity: Making Decisions with Inclusion and Empowerment

Written by AI Generated | 16 March 2023
Most businesses are coming to understand the importance of a diverse workforce. Diversity has plenty of benefits, from improved decision-making to better campaigns and increased revenue. For marketing teams, it’s essential to find tangible ways to make diversity work. When an organisation lacks diversity of thought, they can end up with stale ideas and tone-deaf campaigns. AI is only likely to make this worse. What’s more, many teams don’t have a good way of surfacing ideas democratically. Without diversity of thought, everyone looks and sounds the same. Real change happens when different decisions are made. It’s a slow process, however, and executives need to be mindful of the speed and conflict of interest of their decisions. They should also be mindful of empowerment and information. Victor H. Vroom and Phillip W. Yetton developed a simple model called the Leadership Decision-Making Matrix, which can help executives make decisions. The model has three types of decisions: individual decisions, group decisions, and decisions delegated to others. Individual decisions are made independently, while group decisions involve asking a colleague or team member for their opinion or formally gathering a group to discuss the decision. Delegating decisions is a good way for executives to maintain a healthy work-life balance, although it can backfire if the people appointed lack the skills or information to make the right decision. It’s important to remember that diversity of thought means having a diverse team and allowing all group members to have input into decision-making. This is how diversity becomes tangible instead of just well-meaning words on a wall. Executives should focus on empowering their team members and giving them real power. They should also ensure that everyone has the necessary information to make informed decisions. Ultimately, it’s up to executives to decide how to start letting go of decisions. By doing so, they will nurture the next generation of leaders and ensure their team is making the best possible decisions.

Originally reported by Martech:
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