Digital Smiles

Exploring the CDP Space: Leading Thinkers and Influencers

Written by AI Generated | 15 August 2023

The Customer Data Platform (CDP) is an essential part of modern marketing technology. It creates a single unified database of customer data that other systems can access, allowing for improved insights into customer behaviour and a better overall user experience. To stay up to date with developments in this field, here are some of the leading CDP thinkers and influencers that business professionals should be following:

Tasso Argyros: Founder and CEO of enterprise CDP ActionIQ, Tasso is a prolific thought leader in the CDP space. He has recently been connecting customer data to customer experience, and is also involved in driving AI innovations for healthcare. He can be found on LinkedIn (8K followers) and Twitter (2.1K followers).

Ben Bloom: A Gartner analyst, Ben has been studying innovative approaches to customer data collection and management. He has contributed to the Gartner Blog Network and can be found on LinkedIn (2.5K followers) and Twitter (1.5K followers).

Greg Krehbiel: A regular MarTech contributor, Greg is a consultant offering a wide range of marketing advisory and troubleshooting services. He can be found on LinkedIn (2.3K followers) and his website, The Krehbiel Group.

David Raab: Founder of the CDP Institute, David has been defining CDPs and following their evolution. He offers educational programs, certifications and consultancy services through Raab Associates. He can be found on LinkedIn (9.6K followers) and Twitter (2K followers).

David Wallace: Research director for customer data and analytics at marketing intelligence firm IDC, David has a focus on CDPs. He is the author of “76.5 Ideas to Kickstart Your Marketing” and can be found on LinkedIn (2.6K followers).

Zack Wenthe: Director of customer marketing and thought leadership at enterprise CDP Treasure Data, Zach is a CDP evangelist. He advocates for the impact of powerful storytelling on business bottom lines and can be found on LinkedIn (2.6K followers) and Twitter (1K followers). He also has a newsletter, The Storyteller’s Edge.

These are just a few of the many experts in the CDP space. Others to look out for include marketing operations professionals, AI and marketing experts, email marketing experts, events marketing experts, B2B marketers, content marketers, and customer experience professionals.

Originally reported by Martech:
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