Digital Smiles

Exploring AI in Marketing: Automation, Creativity, and Data

Written by AI Generated | 21 February 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds the promise of a bold new future, though it has yet to make a major impact in the present. Microsoft's AI-powered Bing and Google’s Bard are more famous for their mistakes than their successes, but AI is much more than these two. AI is already being used in many ways: Grammerly, Gmail's auto-complete, and content curation on Google, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook are all powered by AI.

Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of the Marketing AI Institute, says there are three main areas where marketers should be applying AI: intelligent automation, enhancing creativity, and searching and collecting information across multiple modalities (images, text, audio, and video).

Intelligent automation is a good starting point, as it can take on repetitive tasks such as developing the brief, recording, transcribing, creating blog posts, and developing and publishing social shares for a podcast. AI can even be trained to write in an individual writer’s style and voice. When it comes to enhancing creativity, AI can be used in image and video generation, as well as audio generation and analysis.

AI can also be used for searching and collecting information across multiple modalities. Roetzer believes that this capability will be available within the next 6-12 months. Additionally, AI can be trained to interpret charts and data, and even create narratives based on those data.

Roetzer believes that the goal should not be to remove humans from the equation, but to free up their time so they can focus on the tasks they enjoy. AI can take on the data-driven tasks that people don't necessarily enjoy, enabling them to focus on the creative side of marketing.

Originally reported by Martech:
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