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"Unlock the Power of Agility: The Agile Marketing Navigator"

Agile marketing transformations are not going well. To solve this, Stacey Ackerman – an agile marketing coach and regular MarTech contributor – teamed up with fellow agile coach Michael Seaton to create the Agile Marketing Navigator – a framework designed specifically for marketers. This framework takes important principles of agile software development and transforms them into practices and processes that make sense for marketers and can be implemented by them, while also introducing new elements that traditional agile systems overlook. Breakdowns of the four main pillars of the Navigator – the Collaborative Planning Workshop, the Launch Cycle, the Six Key Practices and the Six Roles – were featured in 21 articles, providing a flexible and practical framework for agile marketing.

Marketers need to move quickly to meet the needs of their audience and achieve desired business outcomes. The Agile Marketing Navigator makes this possible, providing an agile framework to boost the performance of modern marketing organisations. In partnership with Stacey, MarTech now offers an ebook that captures all you need to know about the Navigator – a free downloadable pdf is available at the link provided.

For marketers looking to improve their performance and stay ahead of the competition, the Agile Marketing Navigator is an invaluable resource. Download the free ebook now to get started.

Originally reported by Martech:
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